Saturday, January 14, 2006

sorry kids, "comment moderation" is in effect

Due to the excess of off-topic irrelevant personal and insulting comments on this blog, new comments will now have to be approved before they appear.

Have no fear - almost any thing will still be published! (even the mysterious mean little diatribes of "anonymous")

This blog coesn't get checked all that often, so please be patient and continue to comment!


Anonymous said...

this is a test. this is only a test. In the event of a real comment, please listen for the expression of opinion here.

Anonymous said...

this is just a test.

Anonymous said...

a test. this is a test

Nick Bravo said...

Sorry, I tried reasoning and explaining but all anonymous has done is use it too sling more mud.
I invite them to my blog butthey refuse to show up.

Anonymous said...

I hate tests. Please, no more tests.

the PLAZOID said...

apologies to "bilbo":
I saw both of your posts and approved both of them - I do not know why the lenghthier and more interesting one isn't showing up...I definitely did not "reject" your comment, I am confused.
Anyhow, hopefully it will show up...

the PLAZOID said...

THERE IT IS! Under a different post! Hurrah! See, now that wasn't so bad, was it?
Still no censored comments at all - ZERO censorship.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I don't know how to publish as anything but "anonymous", but this is a different anon. than the mean one. Wow, I saw the comments that probably pushed you to this decision & commend you. I don't think it's censorship to prevent blatant hatred. If that person was so bored with life they had nothing better to do but spew random hate on here, that person, as my mom would say, should go bang their head against a wall. It would be more useful on the whole.

the PLAZOID said...

a note on censorship:
"comment moderation" was put into effect because of the back-and-forth between "nick bravo" (may or may not be the actual Nick Bravo - it is easy to assume false identity on blogs) and "anonymous" (to post with your own name or made-up name select "other" when commenting).
The back-and-forth took up too much room and the reference to suicide was innappropriate.
Thank you for your interest.

Anonymous said...

Hey Noel,
Why don't you go shove that stupid ass site of yours right up your stupid little peehole. God damned you're a ugly fuck.