Monday, May 30, 2005

Home is where the Heart is

Home is where the Heart is

“HOME” means more than just a place where you spend a lot of time. A home is a place where you feel safe…
- even when you don’t have money
- even when the fuel that runs the power plants and machines is no longer delivered
- even when the grocery stores, k-marts, coffee shops and liquor stores lock their doors

The false security of modern appliances and toxic inefficient temporary houses could never provide the sanctuary of “home.”
Neither can the bank accounts that hold the reins of this crippled monetary system, that seeks to withhold the basic necessities from people who need them.
Only faith in the love in one’s heart, and a healthy “environment,” meaning a healthy planet and healthy social relations, can provide the true sanctuary of HOME.

Are we HOME yet?


the PLAZOID said...

air-conditioners won't work in hell, my friend.

the PLAZOID said...

...if that's what you call "living"...