Saturday, December 17, 2005


just a little posting-action for Fred. Thanks for checking up on me, buddy. Stop in anytime.


Fred Mangels said...

Now that's better.

Anonymous said...

i change, you change
we change, they change
who made change?


Anonymous said...

Spare some chang?

Nick Bravo said...

The kind of change I can give is the kind you don't want. It starts within as a spark and slowly ever so slowly devours your soul with the fires of eternity.

Anonymous said...

oh nick, i still have food in my beard...
i think i'll never grow up...
here's to a soul burning good time!
derange the change


Nick Bravo said...

Yes but you and Tad don't suck off the system the way many homeless do and for that you have my respect. Too many trust fund babies on the plaza expect everything to be handed to them and throw fits when they don't get their "entitled" stuff. Yet there are homeless on the plaza who need help and love but they won't get it from the poverty pimps in gov't.

Anonymous said...

Don't judge me.

By the way, spare some change? God bless.

Nick Bravo said...

I'll give you a penny for every one-handed push up you do.

Halitosis said...

Bravo is a loon.

Nick Bravo said...

at least my blog doesn't suck! LOL!
You actually going to post some thoughts on your blog? that is if you ever come up with a coherent thought.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny that Nick Bravo used government money while he lived in Arcata? Nick Bravo was taking government money because he couldn't work while running for office, TWICE.

I love how he has a hard on for Groves, yet mocks her all the time. What a fucking child.

Nick Bravo said...

I haven't mocked Harmony. She's human and makes mistakes, I point out peoples mistakes because I want them to learn from them, not because I take joy in their pain teh way you do. I remeber seeing her for the first time in Poli Sci class at HSU...I can't explain my feelings...I can only express them and sadly I was to intimidated by Harmony to be myself so instead I wore a mask and it...I pushed her away, I tend to push a lot of people away.

Nick Bravo said...

By the way, isn't free money from the gov't the point of the socialist utopia so many in Arcata are clamoring for? I have a hearing disability, that's why I get it. I plan on not needing it someday because I will become a lawyer or college professor and be making more than enough on my own.

Anonymous said...

I have a hearing disability, that's why I get it.

You shouldn't be taking it at all, you aren't that bad off.

Nick Bravo said...

How would you know? I also have another medical condition which I will not elaborate on...and no it is not a psychological problem.

Anonymous said...

Sure buddy, your small penis, low sex drive and your magical patches and poor impluse control are all normal. How many meds do you have to take daily?

Nick Bravo said...

I never said it was normal, i've switched to injections. Here's a link

"Kallman’s is a rare condition affecting the hypothalamus, which secretes hormones to the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus is dysfunctional and cannot secret GnRH to the pituitary gland which, as a result, is unable to send either Lutenising Hormone (LH) or Follicle Simulating Hormone, (FSH) to the ovaries, (women) and testes (men).

Symptoms of undiagnosed KS are: no sense of smell (anosmia), failure to enter puberty, lack of sexual drive and infertility (non-ovulation in women and little or no sperm-count in men). Other symptoms may include mood swings, depression, anxiety, fatigue and insomnia. If undiagnosed, the condition can lead to osteoporosis in later life.

The treatment for diagnosed patients is either estrogen or testosterone replacement therapy and fertility treatment if a KS patient desires to have a child. Regular bone-density scans, an MRI scan, (magnetic resonance imaging) and blood-tests may be required."

Nick Bravo said...

I'm so sad for those who are still so obsessed with me, such as anonymous, what cowardly, pathetic, ignorant people they must be.

Anonymous said...

Like your obsession with Humboldt County, City of Arcata, and Ms. Groves is fine and normal?

Nick Bravo said...

I'm far from obsessed about Harmony, There's a lot of women in Arcata that I like but it's far from obsession. And as far as Arcata is concerned, if it wasn't for the lousy weather the better part of the year, the lack of jobs, lousy economics, lack of businesses, and lack of affordable housing I would move back in a heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

Oh, fuck you, Nick Bravo, you cry-baby fraudulent asshole.

We're sick of hearing your lying shit.

Anonymous said...

How true that is.

Nick Bravo said...

interesting from a psychological perspective how you start hurling insults when you can't refute my arguements! LOL!!