Monday, January 07, 2008

Humboldt County Pushes Suicide Through Drugs

Peace be with you.

As our fame goes from Humboldt skunk weed to Humboldt nut pills some confirming facts have recently been presented. It seems as our available “mental health” funds increase, so do our suicides. And the top cheerleader for “dope your loved ones,” Lea Nagy, has insulted our intelligence once again with a “my word” times standard propaganda piece.

Lea Nagy is an employee of Humboldt county mental health, and a “board member” of the Pharmaceutical Corporation sponsored front-group Nami . Nagy believes in forcing dangerous pharmaceuticals on people because it is how she makes her living. She would advocate blood letting if psychiatrists still were allowed to perform that particular form of torture.

Robert Jay Likton makes clear in his book The Nazi Doctors that is was Nazi Psychiatrists who implemented and carried out all the Holocaust deaths from the first handicapped child to the Jews they ordered shot as the Nazi psychiatrists fled the allies. It wasn’t the Nazis per se who killed 12 million innocent people, it was their Psychiatrists. Likewise it isn’t the Namis who are responsible for all the deaths and destroyed lives caused by modern Psychiatrists. The difference between the Nazis and the Namis is the former utilized gas and the later pills.

The goal of the Nazi murderers was to eliminate, enslave, or prevent reproduction of the poor which they referred to as “undesirables.” Anti-psychotics shorten lives, creates willingness to work for free, and they cause sexual dysfunction. It may be a bit slower, besides the occasional suicide at the back door of Humboldt’s mental health department, oh yea and a few dozen school shootings, and people killing their entire family, also people waving flare guns around, and . . . well you get the point, but there is not as many bodies to get rid of as say a Todeslager (extermination camp). Plus there is the US Government’s favorite euphemism of “plausible deniability,” “we didn’t kill ‘em it was their choice.” One only needs to read Nagy’s nagging to realize how Nazi like coerciveness is use to force “voluntary treatment.”

In the late 1800’s Jean-Martin Charcot invented “hysteria.” This was the first so-called “mental illness.” Today the Psychiatrists have 360 unique “mental illnesses” which unlike real illness, have no physical proof (no blood test, biopsy, post-mortem, brain scan, or other real scientific proof of an illness). They invent and retire these “illnesses” at will. Hysteria, Drapetomania, and Homosexuality are three examples of where psychiatrists ruined people’s lives and health only to recant later. Video game addiction is one of the new classifications that were “voted” on by the AMA. Imagine voting on if small pox is a disease or not. What the fuck kind of science is that? It’s the same kind of science they use to put you on nut pills that give you diabetes, that require another pill that gives you heart disease, that require another pill that renders you impotent, but don’t worry they have a pill for that too.

The drug companies have pushed a “brain chemistry” theory to justify brain chemistry changing drugs as “cures” for “mental illness.” It’s been thirty years since they can up with this theory and they have yet to prove any relationship between brain chemistry and the onset of any "mental illness.” Their theory holds that because sometimes brain chemistry changing drugs cause a slight improvement in a few symptoms of certain ambiguous “mental illness” diagnoses mental illness must be a lack of brain chemicals. This theory doesn’t explain why anti-psychotics which change the “brain chemistry” in a couple of hours take weeks before they change behavior.

Humboldt County’s Medication Algorithm Program (MAP) guarantees that individuals who depend on public assistance for mental health insurance will be doped. Atypical-anti-psychotics (the pills that cause diabetes) are the first level of treatment in the MAP. The Map program is claimed to use what is called “Evidence Based Best Practices.” “Evidence Based Best Practices” is newspeak, formed by opinions, not data and “most of the guideline’s authors have received support from the pharmaceutical industry.” Again we have pharmaceutical corporations buying “votes” on how what was voted an illness should be treated.

The sad fact of this “marketing campaign” by Nagy and her cohorts at Nami and the Mental Health department is that people who need help don’t get it. Instead they get a life sentence of some of the world’s most deadly dope. Dope which increases suicidality no less.

On October 24, 1933 the Nazis passed a law against "Habitual and Dangerous Criminals" that justified placing the homeless, beggars, unemployed, and alcoholics in concentration camps. Today we have the “New Freedom Initiative” which justifies placing the same groups, along with children on killer nut pills. It may be an improvement in effectiveness, but it is the same death as the camps brought.

love eternal


Anonymous said...

"Life not worth living" ("lebensunwerten lebens") was the Nazi justification for "benevolent" genocide and the mentally ill were the very first to be executed. They supplied the foot in the door and were guinea pigs for developing the methodology for the "racial hygiene", "genetic hygiene" exterminations that followed. If I am not mistaken Zyklon B was an insecticide. Major drug companies, such as Bayer,did use inmates for often fatal experiments.

A diagnosis of any mental disorder is also now, evidently, a justification for summary execution as in the recent cases such as that of "Cheri Moore who had a history of mental illness". I don't believe I have seen her name in any "news"paper article without the inclusion of "who had a history of mental illness", glued on the end.

Sharing some similarities with the situation today, Germany was flooded with homeless people by lack of jobs caused by corporate corruption. In their case the depression, WW 1 and reparations. Today, the "globalization" which has exported American jobs to virtual slave labor venues, union busting, giant CEO salaries and other predatory profit taking practices such as those revealed in Bush's main campaign financiers Enron, and the rest. Also, as today, these corporate bottom line, bottom feeders, rather than take responsibility for the results of their actions, blamed their weakened victims and proceeded to exploit them further.

Anonymous said...

Oh that will deflate the population.

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