Peace be with you
The plazoid has moved to here
love eternal
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Humboldt County Probation cops can't be Case Managers.
Peace be with you

China's MDU (Photo USA Today)
Cost: $37,500 to $75,000, depending on vehicle's size
Length: 20 to 26 feet
Top speed: 65 to 80 mph
Execution chamber: in the back, with blacked-out windows; seats beside the stretcher for a court doctor and guards; sterilizer for injection equipment; wash basin
Observation area: in the middle, with a glass window separating it from execution area; can accommodate six people; official-in-charge oversees the execution through monitors connected to the prisoner and gives instruction via walkie-talkie.
Driver area
Production to date: at least 40 vehicles, made by Jinguan and two other companies in Jiangsu and Shandong provinces
At Tuesday’s Board of Supes meeting the Humboldt County boring Supes will give their subservient nod to revoking the probation department’s performing of “mental health” services. Of course they are not doing this act because they want to, they're doing it because a higher legislature saw the stupidity of allowing probation officers to be simultaneously mental health case managers.
Although this is one of those “one step forwards” in the “one step forward two steps back dance,” separating those that are supposed to heal from those who punish is a good move. Unfortunately the cops and mental health are starting to forge bigger and more oppressive Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) to terrorize the mentally ill.
Soon the mental health will have their Mobile Drugging Unit (MDU) stocked with a couple of cops and a goonish, Haldol syringe packing mental health orderly. They will be able to declare anyone they choose “mentally ill,” and shoot them full of Haldol on the spot. Anybody, anywhere, for any reason can be doped and then brought before a Judge who will sentence them to a life of highly toxic nut-pills. It doesn’t matter how “sane” you were before, because the Judge only believes you're sane now because you're on anti-psychotics.
We must insist that the cops leave doctoring to the doctors. Law enforcers are not a very smart or compassionate way to help the mentally broken. Law enforcers are robotic mercenaries. They enforce laws designed to prevent the wealthy and ruling class from being “bothered.” That doesn’t bode well for those who truly need medical help.
Secondly we must insist that if the psychiatrists are going to force people to take anti-psychotics then we need professionals in place to get these people “off their meds” safely.
love eternal

China's MDU (Photo USA Today)
Cost: $37,500 to $75,000, depending on vehicle's size
Length: 20 to 26 feet
Top speed: 65 to 80 mph
Execution chamber: in the back, with blacked-out windows; seats beside the stretcher for a court doctor and guards; sterilizer for injection equipment; wash basin
Observation area: in the middle, with a glass window separating it from execution area; can accommodate six people; official-in-charge oversees the execution through monitors connected to the prisoner and gives instruction via walkie-talkie.
Driver area
Production to date: at least 40 vehicles, made by Jinguan and two other companies in Jiangsu and Shandong provinces
At Tuesday’s Board of Supes meeting the Humboldt County boring Supes will give their subservient nod to revoking the probation department’s performing of “mental health” services. Of course they are not doing this act because they want to, they're doing it because a higher legislature saw the stupidity of allowing probation officers to be simultaneously mental health case managers.
Although this is one of those “one step forwards” in the “one step forward two steps back dance,” separating those that are supposed to heal from those who punish is a good move. Unfortunately the cops and mental health are starting to forge bigger and more oppressive Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) to terrorize the mentally ill.
Soon the mental health will have their Mobile Drugging Unit (MDU) stocked with a couple of cops and a goonish, Haldol syringe packing mental health orderly. They will be able to declare anyone they choose “mentally ill,” and shoot them full of Haldol on the spot. Anybody, anywhere, for any reason can be doped and then brought before a Judge who will sentence them to a life of highly toxic nut-pills. It doesn’t matter how “sane” you were before, because the Judge only believes you're sane now because you're on anti-psychotics.
We must insist that the cops leave doctoring to the doctors. Law enforcers are not a very smart or compassionate way to help the mentally broken. Law enforcers are robotic mercenaries. They enforce laws designed to prevent the wealthy and ruling class from being “bothered.” That doesn’t bode well for those who truly need medical help.
Secondly we must insist that if the psychiatrists are going to force people to take anti-psychotics then we need professionals in place to get these people “off their meds” safely.
love eternal
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Psychiatrists Wrong . . . Again
Peace be with you
The New York Times said this morning that the silly psychiatrists were manipulating the wrong damn neurotransmitter in schizophrenics. It turns out it wasn’t the dopamine after all. How many school shootings could the psychiatrists have saved us?
The Psychiatrists poison the peoples of the world on a guess and they ALWAYS guess wrong. They’re still wrong. It’s not going to be any different with their new theory.
The Pharmaceutical corporations only care about the profit. They make drugs like Zyprexa for a government contract worth billions. You add on to that the diabetes medicines they sell as accessory to their Zyprexa and you have the backbone of the Eli Lilly profits.
Another idea might come from Hearing Voices Network. The following two paragraphs come from Guidelines for Hearing Voices Groups in Clinical Settings (2004 update). I suggest you read it all.
love eternal
From: Guidelines for Hearing Voices Groups in Clinical Settings
Voice hearing is often seen as a prime symptom of psychosis (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). However there are a significant proportion of the voice hearing populations that have never been psychiatric patients (Honig et al.,1998). Hearing voices (auditory hallucinations) is considered a first rank symptom of the specific psychosis of schizophrenia (Schneider, 1959). There are
three main psychiatric categories of patients that hear voices; schizophrenia (around 50%); affective psychosis (around 25%) and dissociative disorders (around 80%) (Honig et al., 1998).
However, many people who hear voices find them helpful or benevolent (Romme & Escher, 1993). In a large study of 15,000 people it was found that there was a prevalence of 2.3% who had heard voices frequently and this contrasts with the 1% prevalence of schizophrenia (Tien, 1991). In a study by Honig and others (1998), of the differences between non-patient and patients hearing voices, it was not in form but content. In other words the non-patients heard voices both inside and outside their head as did the patients but either the content was positive or the hearer had a positive view of the voice and felt in control of it. By contrast the patient group were more frightened of the voices and the voices were more critical (malevolent) and they felt less control over them (Honig et al,1998). The experience of hearing critical voices is often very anxiety provoking and leads to high levels of depression and suicidality (Harkavy-Friedman et al., 2003). Conventional approaches in psychiatry to the problem of voice hearing have been to ignore the meaning of the experience for the voice hearer and concentrate on removing the symptoms (audio hallucinations) by the use of physical means such as medication (Romme & Escher, 1989). Although anti-
psychotic medication is very helpful to most sufferers of psychosis (Fleischhaker, 2002), there is a significant proportion (30 per cent) that still experience the ‘symptoms’ such as hearing voices despite very high doses of injected anti-psychotic (Curson, Barnes, Bamber, & Weral, 1985). The social psychiatrist Marius Romme, believes that anti-psychotic medication prevents the emotional processing and therefore healing, of the meaning of the voices (Romme & Escher, 2000). Traditional practice in behavioural psychology concentrated on either distracting the patient or ignoring references by the patient to the voice hearing experience, with the hope that the patient would concentrate on ‘real’ experiences, which would then be positively reinforced (the assumption being that the voice hearing was a delusional belief). The effect of this approach may well have been to discourage the discussion about the voice hearing experience but without eradicating it (P.D.J. Chadwick, Birchwood, & Trower, 1996). However brain imaging has since confirmed that voice hearers do experience a sound as if there were a real person talking to them (Shergill, Brammer, Williams, Murray, & McGuire, 2000). Within the last ten years there has been considerable interest in the phenomenology, processes and coping mechanisms of people suffering from psychosis, using a broadly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach (Drury, Birchwood, & Cochrane, 2000; Haddock, Morrison, Hopkins, Lewis, & Tarrier, 1998; Kuipers et al., 1998; Morrison, 2002; Norman & Townsend, 1999). Some practitioners advocate that CBT is the most appropriate, evidence based approach (Tarrier, Haddock, Barrowclough, & Wykes, 2002). Other practitioners, including psychiatrists, psychologists and nurses have developed a broader based alliance of therapeutic approaches to psychosis from the spectrum of approaches from psychodynamic to cognitive behavioural (Martindale & International Society for the Psychological Treatments of the Schizophrenias and other Psychoses., 2000). Radical changes have also been taking place amongst psychiatrists (Kingdon & Turkington, 1998; Perris & McGorry, 1998), who are now paying closer attention to the meaning and content of the voices (Romme & Escher, 1989).
The New York Times said this morning that the silly psychiatrists were manipulating the wrong damn neurotransmitter in schizophrenics. It turns out it wasn’t the dopamine after all. How many school shootings could the psychiatrists have saved us?
The Psychiatrists poison the peoples of the world on a guess and they ALWAYS guess wrong. They’re still wrong. It’s not going to be any different with their new theory.
The Pharmaceutical corporations only care about the profit. They make drugs like Zyprexa for a government contract worth billions. You add on to that the diabetes medicines they sell as accessory to their Zyprexa and you have the backbone of the Eli Lilly profits.
Another idea might come from Hearing Voices Network. The following two paragraphs come from Guidelines for Hearing Voices Groups in Clinical Settings (2004 update). I suggest you read it all.
love eternal
From: Guidelines for Hearing Voices Groups in Clinical Settings
Voice hearing is often seen as a prime symptom of psychosis (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). However there are a significant proportion of the voice hearing populations that have never been psychiatric patients (Honig et al.,1998). Hearing voices (auditory hallucinations) is considered a first rank symptom of the specific psychosis of schizophrenia (Schneider, 1959). There are
three main psychiatric categories of patients that hear voices; schizophrenia (around 50%); affective psychosis (around 25%) and dissociative disorders (around 80%) (Honig et al., 1998).
However, many people who hear voices find them helpful or benevolent (Romme & Escher, 1993). In a large study of 15,000 people it was found that there was a prevalence of 2.3% who had heard voices frequently and this contrasts with the 1% prevalence of schizophrenia (Tien, 1991). In a study by Honig and others (1998), of the differences between non-patient and patients hearing voices, it was not in form but content. In other words the non-patients heard voices both inside and outside their head as did the patients but either the content was positive or the hearer had a positive view of the voice and felt in control of it. By contrast the patient group were more frightened of the voices and the voices were more critical (malevolent) and they felt less control over them (Honig et al,1998). The experience of hearing critical voices is often very anxiety provoking and leads to high levels of depression and suicidality (Harkavy-Friedman et al., 2003). Conventional approaches in psychiatry to the problem of voice hearing have been to ignore the meaning of the experience for the voice hearer and concentrate on removing the symptoms (audio hallucinations) by the use of physical means such as medication (Romme & Escher, 1989). Although anti-
psychotic medication is very helpful to most sufferers of psychosis (Fleischhaker, 2002), there is a significant proportion (30 per cent) that still experience the ‘symptoms’ such as hearing voices despite very high doses of injected anti-psychotic (Curson, Barnes, Bamber, & Weral, 1985). The social psychiatrist Marius Romme, believes that anti-psychotic medication prevents the emotional processing and therefore healing, of the meaning of the voices (Romme & Escher, 2000). Traditional practice in behavioural psychology concentrated on either distracting the patient or ignoring references by the patient to the voice hearing experience, with the hope that the patient would concentrate on ‘real’ experiences, which would then be positively reinforced (the assumption being that the voice hearing was a delusional belief). The effect of this approach may well have been to discourage the discussion about the voice hearing experience but without eradicating it (P.D.J. Chadwick, Birchwood, & Trower, 1996). However brain imaging has since confirmed that voice hearers do experience a sound as if there were a real person talking to them (Shergill, Brammer, Williams, Murray, & McGuire, 2000). Within the last ten years there has been considerable interest in the phenomenology, processes and coping mechanisms of people suffering from psychosis, using a broadly Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) approach (Drury, Birchwood, & Cochrane, 2000; Haddock, Morrison, Hopkins, Lewis, & Tarrier, 1998; Kuipers et al., 1998; Morrison, 2002; Norman & Townsend, 1999). Some practitioners advocate that CBT is the most appropriate, evidence based approach (Tarrier, Haddock, Barrowclough, & Wykes, 2002). Other practitioners, including psychiatrists, psychologists and nurses have developed a broader based alliance of therapeutic approaches to psychosis from the spectrum of approaches from psychodynamic to cognitive behavioural (Martindale & International Society for the Psychological Treatments of the Schizophrenias and other Psychoses., 2000). Radical changes have also been taking place amongst psychiatrists (Kingdon & Turkington, 1998; Perris & McGorry, 1998), who are now paying closer attention to the meaning and content of the voices (Romme & Escher, 1989).
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Peace be with you
I believe our intuition is always correct – always! – But, I also believe our interpretation of that intuition is often flawed. I mean flawed as in “flawed logic.” We put so much energy postulating the virtues of logic we completely forget, if it exists, a most powerful way of understanding.
This understanding is called many things – gut feeling, spider senses, intuition, Wisdom. Wisdom is different from smart. It perceives things that logic can’t prove. It is when you hear all the facts and you listen to the logical conclusion, but you know deep down that something isn’t right. Usually a little digging in the facts and your feelings are justified.
I think logic is a wonderful thing to learn. In fact I think all Wise people would see the Wisdom in studying logic. The logical however, never see the logic in studying Wisdom. Their problem is that Wisdom is like gravity it comes from some unknown, and that strikes fearfully close to past demons from some traumatic religious dogma.
I believe in evolution, that people are truly born of this Earth. I hold true that I do suckle at the tit of my Mother Earth. I also hold true I have my Wisdom, my Courage, and my Love because of my Heavenly Father; who took me as a child of my Mother and taught me the ways of my Father.
It is only me who can remove the distractions, the lusts and the fears, which blind me from simple truths. It is only me who can follow the truths I see. And it is only my relationship with the Father and Mother I can have. We will eventually evolve into a people more like perfection. Compassion, Generosity, Loving Kindness are the gift to the Human Animal; or shall I say higher evolved Peoples.
love eternal
I believe our intuition is always correct – always! – But, I also believe our interpretation of that intuition is often flawed. I mean flawed as in “flawed logic.” We put so much energy postulating the virtues of logic we completely forget, if it exists, a most powerful way of understanding.
This understanding is called many things – gut feeling, spider senses, intuition, Wisdom. Wisdom is different from smart. It perceives things that logic can’t prove. It is when you hear all the facts and you listen to the logical conclusion, but you know deep down that something isn’t right. Usually a little digging in the facts and your feelings are justified.
I think logic is a wonderful thing to learn. In fact I think all Wise people would see the Wisdom in studying logic. The logical however, never see the logic in studying Wisdom. Their problem is that Wisdom is like gravity it comes from some unknown, and that strikes fearfully close to past demons from some traumatic religious dogma.
I believe in evolution, that people are truly born of this Earth. I hold true that I do suckle at the tit of my Mother Earth. I also hold true I have my Wisdom, my Courage, and my Love because of my Heavenly Father; who took me as a child of my Mother and taught me the ways of my Father.
It is only me who can remove the distractions, the lusts and the fears, which blind me from simple truths. It is only me who can follow the truths I see. And it is only my relationship with the Father and Mother I can have. We will eventually evolve into a people more like perfection. Compassion, Generosity, Loving Kindness are the gift to the Human Animal; or shall I say higher evolved Peoples.
love eternal
Monday, February 18, 2008
Humboldt County Supervisor uses preemptive censorship.
Peace be with you
At Tuesday's Humboldt County Board of Supervisor's meeting Phillip Crandall once again succeeded in getting the Humboldt County Board of Supes to approve an agreement based on fraudulent information. Humboldt County department of Mental Health signed an agreement worth $4,038,544 based on grossly overestimated numbers of mentally ill. So outrageous are his guestimates that he's looking to hook 30,000 Humboldt county residents on deadly anti-psychotics through his CalMAP experimental mental health county.
My real issue is whether this "agreement," which "contains the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes all negotiations, verbal or otherwise and any other agreement between the parties," and is based on Humboldt County's Mental Health Services Act Three-year Program and Expenditure Plan, is related to the above-mentioned plan and the unanimously Supe approved policy behind the plan.
Jill Geist the new neo-liberal chair of the Humboldt County board of Supes believes she has the authority to censor my public comment. Jill is a big supporter of our experimental mental health grants. Jill has tried before to censor me and she has even gone as far as to have Crandall rehearse a little speech during public comment. The next week a young lady showed up at the board of supes pissed off that Geists placed Crandall's speech on the agenda with out public notice.
Geist, and all the supes for that matter, are putting their political asses on the line to protect the highest paid employee of the County, HHS DIRECTOR, Phillip Crandall, and his rope 'em and dope 'em policies. Crandall who controls the counties Health and Human Services Department (spends half of all the money from our budget), is the department head that is responsible for both the fraudulent lies in the plan and brokers agreements to spend a quarter of our counties budget on a "mental health policy" that rivals Heinrich Himmler. Crandall's policy is uncannily similar to Himmler's "struggle for the extermination of any sub-humans," complete with $250,000 a year psychiatrists.
love eternal

My real issue is whether this "agreement," which "contains the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes all negotiations, verbal or otherwise and any other agreement between the parties," and is based on Humboldt County's Mental Health Services Act Three-year Program and Expenditure Plan, is related to the above-mentioned plan and the unanimously Supe approved policy behind the plan.
Jill Geist the new neo-liberal chair of the Humboldt County board of Supes believes she has the authority to censor my public comment. Jill is a big supporter of our experimental mental health grants. Jill has tried before to censor me and she has even gone as far as to have Crandall rehearse a little speech during public comment. The next week a young lady showed up at the board of supes pissed off that Geists placed Crandall's speech on the agenda with out public notice.
Geist, and all the supes for that matter, are putting their political asses on the line to protect the highest paid employee of the County, HHS DIRECTOR, Phillip Crandall, and his rope 'em and dope 'em policies. Crandall who controls the counties Health and Human Services Department (spends half of all the money from our budget), is the department head that is responsible for both the fraudulent lies in the plan and brokers agreements to spend a quarter of our counties budget on a "mental health policy" that rivals Heinrich Himmler. Crandall's policy is uncannily similar to Himmler's "struggle for the extermination of any sub-humans," complete with $250,000 a year psychiatrists.
love eternal
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Why does Humboldt County spend a quarter of its money hooking people on mental health drugs?
Peace be with you.

Whistleblower magazine released an article titled, "MANIA; The shocking link between psychiatric drugs, suicide, violence and mass murder." It mentions that these nut pills create this "mania" in 4% of short term trial patients. Also they list the following examples:
Andrea Yates, in one of the most heartbreaking crimes in modern history, drowned all five of her children aged 7 years down to 6 months in a bathtub. Insisting inner voices commanded her to kill her kids, she had become increasingly psychotic over the course of several years.
Yates had been taking the antidepressant Effexor. In November 2005, more than four years after Yates drowned her children, Effexor manufacturer Wyeth Pharmaceuticals quietly added "homicidal ideation" to the drug's list of "rare adverse events." But "rare" is defined by the FDA as occurring in less than one in 1,000 people. And since, according to an Associated Press report, about 19.2 million prescriptions for Effexor were filled in the U.S. alone in 2005, that means statistically almost 20,000 Americans could experience "homicidal ideation" that is, murderous thoughts as a result of taking just this one antidepressant drug.
Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking the widely prescribed antidepressant Luvox when he and fellow student Dylan Klebold went on a hellish school shooting rampage in 1999, killing 12 students and a teacher and wounding 24 others before turning their guns on themselves.
Authorities investigating Cho Seung-Hui, who murdered 32 at Virginia Tech in April, reportedly found "prescription drugs" for the treatment of psychological problems among his possessions. Joseph Aust, Cho's roommate, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch Cho's routine each morning had included taking prescription drugs.
So what kind of meds had Cho been taking? Strangely, his medical records have yet to be released to the public authorities claiming it's because an investigation is still ongoing, although critics suggest the purpose may be to protect the drug companies from liability claims.
Meanwhile, the list of killers who happened to be taking psychiatric medications is long and chilling. Remember these headline names?
Patrick Purdy's 1989 schoolyard shooting rampage in Stockton, Calif., was the catalyst for the legislative frenzy to ban "semiautomatic assault weapons" in California and the nation. The 25-year-old Purdy, who murdered five children and wounded 30, had been on Amitriptyline, an antidepressant, as well as the antipsychotic drug Thorazine.
Kip Kinkel, 15, murdered his parents in 1998 and the next day went to his school, Thurston High in Springfield, Ore., and opened fire on his classmates, killing two and wounding 22 others. He had been prescribed both Prozac and Ritalin.
In 1988, 31-year-old Laurie Dann went on a shooting rampage in a second-grade classroom in Winnetka, Ill., killing one child and wounding six. She had been taking the antidepressant Anafranil as well as Lithium, long used to treat mania.
In Paducah, Ky., in late 1997, 14-year-old Michael Carneal, son of a prominent attorney, traveled to Heath High School and started shooting students in a prayer meeting taking place in the school's lobby, killing three and leaving another paralyzed. Carneal reportedly was on Ritalin.
In 2005, 16-year-old Native American Jeff Weise, living on Minnesota's Red Lake Indian Reservation, shot and killed nine people and wounded five others before killing himself. Weise had been taking Prozac.
In another famous case, 47-year-old Joseph T. Wesbecker, just a month after he began taking Prozac, shot 20 workers at Standard Gravure Corp. in Louisville, Ky., killing nine. Eli Lilly, which makes Prozac, later settled a lawsuit brought by survivors.
I wonder if the psychiatrists of today and the psychiatrists of Nazi Germany are really all that different.
love eternal

Whistleblower magazine released an article titled, "MANIA; The shocking link between psychiatric drugs, suicide, violence and mass murder." It mentions that these nut pills create this "mania" in 4% of short term trial patients. Also they list the following examples:
Andrea Yates, in one of the most heartbreaking crimes in modern history, drowned all five of her children aged 7 years down to 6 months in a bathtub. Insisting inner voices commanded her to kill her kids, she had become increasingly psychotic over the course of several years.
Yates had been taking the antidepressant Effexor. In November 2005, more than four years after Yates drowned her children, Effexor manufacturer Wyeth Pharmaceuticals quietly added "homicidal ideation" to the drug's list of "rare adverse events." But "rare" is defined by the FDA as occurring in less than one in 1,000 people. And since, according to an Associated Press report, about 19.2 million prescriptions for Effexor were filled in the U.S. alone in 2005, that means statistically almost 20,000 Americans could experience "homicidal ideation" that is, murderous thoughts as a result of taking just this one antidepressant drug.
Columbine mass-killer Eric Harris was taking the widely prescribed antidepressant Luvox when he and fellow student Dylan Klebold went on a hellish school shooting rampage in 1999, killing 12 students and a teacher and wounding 24 others before turning their guns on themselves.
Authorities investigating Cho Seung-Hui, who murdered 32 at Virginia Tech in April, reportedly found "prescription drugs" for the treatment of psychological problems among his possessions. Joseph Aust, Cho's roommate, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch Cho's routine each morning had included taking prescription drugs.
So what kind of meds had Cho been taking? Strangely, his medical records have yet to be released to the public authorities claiming it's because an investigation is still ongoing, although critics suggest the purpose may be to protect the drug companies from liability claims.
Meanwhile, the list of killers who happened to be taking psychiatric medications is long and chilling. Remember these headline names?
Patrick Purdy's 1989 schoolyard shooting rampage in Stockton, Calif., was the catalyst for the legislative frenzy to ban "semiautomatic assault weapons" in California and the nation. The 25-year-old Purdy, who murdered five children and wounded 30, had been on Amitriptyline, an antidepressant, as well as the antipsychotic drug Thorazine.
Kip Kinkel, 15, murdered his parents in 1998 and the next day went to his school, Thurston High in Springfield, Ore., and opened fire on his classmates, killing two and wounding 22 others. He had been prescribed both Prozac and Ritalin.
In 1988, 31-year-old Laurie Dann went on a shooting rampage in a second-grade classroom in Winnetka, Ill., killing one child and wounding six. She had been taking the antidepressant Anafranil as well as Lithium, long used to treat mania.
In Paducah, Ky., in late 1997, 14-year-old Michael Carneal, son of a prominent attorney, traveled to Heath High School and started shooting students in a prayer meeting taking place in the school's lobby, killing three and leaving another paralyzed. Carneal reportedly was on Ritalin.
In 2005, 16-year-old Native American Jeff Weise, living on Minnesota's Red Lake Indian Reservation, shot and killed nine people and wounded five others before killing himself. Weise had been taking Prozac.
In another famous case, 47-year-old Joseph T. Wesbecker, just a month after he began taking Prozac, shot 20 workers at Standard Gravure Corp. in Louisville, Ky., killing nine. Eli Lilly, which makes Prozac, later settled a lawsuit brought by survivors.
I wonder if the psychiatrists of today and the psychiatrists of Nazi Germany are really all that different.
love eternal
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Police use "dope raid" to net illegal sleeping
Peace be with you
On July 25, 2007 Sheriff Deputies raided a piece of Humboldt County property looking for pot. They stuck guns in the faces of the residents, pepper sprayed their dogs, and ordered the people off their property so a search could conduct. No I’m not talking about the 1200 pot plant Vilica LLd bust. I’m talking about the Yee Haw bust where instead of finding the pot, the cops were so sure they’d find, they found "sleepers" instead. Now appearing as Nazish homeless haters the county is trying to throw these people to the street. The County of Humboldt should be encouraging people to open their homes, lands and buildings to help alleviate the homeless crisis; instead they’re encouraging police raids on those who do.
Monday the owner of the property and at least one of it’s tenants will be in Humboldt Superior Court to try to hang on to their place of living, or as we call it their home.
Sources inside Yee Haw say the Sheriffs acted like they were searching for marijuana, and of course we have the Vilica marijuana bust the same day with the same “code enforcement warrant.” Twelve Sheriffs with guns drawn served a county “code enforcement warrant” on the very day the owner of the land had an appointment with county code enforcement to inspect the land. It would appear on the surface as a paranoid county building inspector until you plug in the fact that they also served a “code enforcement warrant” looking for 1200 marijuana plants within a couple of hours of leaving Yee Haw.
First of all it is fucked up that we allow the county to kick these people off a place where it is legal for them to sleep. And second it is fucked up that they are doing it because of a pot bust gone bad.
love eternal
On July 25, 2007 Sheriff Deputies raided a piece of Humboldt County property looking for pot. They stuck guns in the faces of the residents, pepper sprayed their dogs, and ordered the people off their property so a search could conduct. No I’m not talking about the 1200 pot plant Vilica LLd bust. I’m talking about the Yee Haw bust where instead of finding the pot, the cops were so sure they’d find, they found "sleepers" instead. Now appearing as Nazish homeless haters the county is trying to throw these people to the street. The County of Humboldt should be encouraging people to open their homes, lands and buildings to help alleviate the homeless crisis; instead they’re encouraging police raids on those who do.
Monday the owner of the property and at least one of it’s tenants will be in Humboldt Superior Court to try to hang on to their place of living, or as we call it their home.
Sources inside Yee Haw say the Sheriffs acted like they were searching for marijuana, and of course we have the Vilica marijuana bust the same day with the same “code enforcement warrant.” Twelve Sheriffs with guns drawn served a county “code enforcement warrant” on the very day the owner of the land had an appointment with county code enforcement to inspect the land. It would appear on the surface as a paranoid county building inspector until you plug in the fact that they also served a “code enforcement warrant” looking for 1200 marijuana plants within a couple of hours of leaving Yee Haw.
First of all it is fucked up that we allow the county to kick these people off a place where it is legal for them to sleep. And second it is fucked up that they are doing it because of a pot bust gone bad.
love eternal
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